Who We Are
The Endless Mountains Heritage Region (EMHR) was established in 1998 as a non-profit, membership-based organization within the PA Heritage Areas Program. It is one of 12 current heritage areas across the Commonwealth, which are designated by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). The EMHR proudly serves a 2,850-square mile area encompassing Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Wyoming Counties. The organization also serves as water trail manager for the upper North Branch Susquehanna River Water Trail, a national recreation trail and official gateway to the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network. Known for our unmatched pastoral landscapes shaped by centuries of farming and timbering as well as land conservation, the EMHR embraces its agricultural and interpretive theme of “Living with the Land,” and its mission: “To celebrate, preserve, and enhance the unique rural character and culture of the Endless Mountains.” In its 25 years of existence, the EMHR has provided financial and capacity-building support to various municipalities, public schools, and heritage partner organizations, as well as dozens of projects in order to fulfill that mission. Through the years, the EMHR has attained approximately $3 million in state funding that has been brought into the region to perform historic preservation initiatives, outdoor recreation development and improvement projects, educational programming, scenic enhancements, and heritage asset promotion. These many initiatives have undoubtedly increased the quality of life for our residents and encourage tourism across the four. The EMHR is involved in various greenway, land conservation, and trail initiatives in the area, as well as scenic byways and vista enhancements.
Vision Statement
“Through diverse partnerships, the work of the Endless Mountains Heritage Region leads to an appreciation for and investment in our heritage, culture, natural resources, and outdoor recreation opportunities, fostering both community pride and economic vitality in the counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Wyoming.”

EMHR’s current activities fall under five program areas:
- Greenways, Trails, Conservation
- “Living with the Land”–Agricultural Heritage
- Partnership Grants
- Education, Interpretation, Heritage Tourism
- Heritage Partnerships and Outreach
The bylaws and governance policy for the Endless Mountains Heritage Region are available to all members upon request. To obtain these documents, please contact us.
EMHR’s Management Action Plan 2022-2026
Executive Director – Cain Chamberlin
Administrative Assistant – Marci Dake
Fiscal Coordinator – Dave Hindman
Grants Coordinator – Vanessa Billings-Seiler
Programming Development Associate – Rachel Flad
Communications Coordinator – Rick Hiduk
Board of Directors:
Bradford County
Scott Hauser, Bradford County Airport
Kelly White, Lackawanna College
Zachary Gates, County Commissioner
Sullivan County
Donna Iannone
Barb Warburton, Bradford-Sullivan Farm Bureau
Scott Myers, County Commissioner
Susquehanna County
Staci Wilson, Susquehanna County Promotion and Tourism Agency
David Palmer, Brooklyn Historical Society – Board President
Patti Peltz, Susquehanna County Planning Director
Wyoming County
Carolyn Crowley, Keystone College
Lynnelle Farber, Hunt Engineers, Architects & Surveyors
Rick Wilbur, County Commissioner
At Large Members
Amy Benjamin, Northern Tier Regional Planning & Development Commission – Board Secretary/ Treasurer
Jean Ruhf, Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau
Robyn Cummings, Bradford County Tourism Promotion Agency – Board Vice President
State Liaison
Christine Dettore, Northeast Regional Advisor for PA DCNR
Partner Agencies
Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau
Bradford County Tourism Promotion Agency
Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers
Heritage PA
PA Route 6 Alliance
Susquehanna Greenway
Chesapeake Conservancy
PA Water Trail System
American Trails/National Recreation Trail
Captain John Smith National Historical Trail
State Parks & Forests
- Loyalsock State Forest (Sullivan County)
- Ricketts Glen State Park (Sullivan County)
- Mt. Pisgah State Park (Bradford County)
- Salt Springs State Park (Susquehanna County)
- Worlds End State Park (Sullivan County)
Representative Counties

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