Premiere Membership
Premiere Membership consists of organizations, municipalities, municipal agencies, and public education institutions that are not only EMHR members, but also past and present recipients of grant funding through the Heritage Region’s annual Partnership/Mini-Grants program. The EMHR and DCNR require that any-and-all grant applicants be paying members of the EMHR, as membership dues play a major role in ensuring the Heritage Region can continue its mission “to celebrate, preserve, and enhance the unique rural character and culture of the Endless Mountains”. This grant funding is critical in allowing our heritage partners to perform various projects that further the goals and objectives of the EMHR, such as the preservation of our historic assets, outdoor recreation development, land and water trail conservation, educational programming, and more.

EMHR Mini Grant Funded Projects:
*Premiere Members
*Bradford County Regional Arts Council
*Bradford County Heritage Village and Farm Museum
*Bradford County Historical Society
*Riverside Cemetery Association
*Sayre Historical Society Museum
*Endless Mountains War Memorial Museum
*Sullivan County Historical Society
*Sullivan County Council on Arts
*Clifford Township Historical Society
*Dennis Farm Charitable Land Trust
*Forest City Historical Society
*Montrose Restoration Committee
*Montrose Area School District
*Susquehanna County Historical Society Museum

"The significance of the region lies not in a few individual landmarks of national merit, but in hundreds of local resources knit together into a single, richly textured regional blanket."