River Sojourns & Paddles
Susquehanna River North Branch Named The 2023 PA River of the Year – watch the video
Each year, the Endless Mountains Heritage Region hosts multi-day river sojourns and single-day paddles on the North Branch Susquehanna River Water Trail in order to promote outdoor recreation, environmental stewardship, and a widespread appreciation for this magnificent natural resource. These fun and scenic trips are led by the EMHR’s team of water trail managers and regional outfitters to ensure the safety of all of our participants. Often funded in part by grants from the Pennsylvania Organization for Watersheds and Rivers (POWR), the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), and our regional tourism bureaus, the primary goal of these excursions is to educate youth and the general public about paddling safety, the river’s ecology, our local history, and more. This is done by incorporating special guest speakers from environmental and historical agencies from around the region into our sojourns, who provide educational talks to participants. River cleanups held during our sojourns also promote stewardship and tidier shores along the North Branch. As the water trail management organization for the Susquehanna River’s Upper North Branch, the EMHR and its many trail managers encourage the public to join us on these adventures and create incredible memories with friends and family. It’s all about creating a connection with the river and learning how to preserve this magnificent resource and keep its heritage alive. Keep a close eye on our events calendar and Facebook page for upcoming sojourns and river activities!

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