There are various volunteer opportunities available with the Endless Mountains Heritage Region such as site preparation and assistance with events, board and subcommittee positions, coalition and distribution of promotional materials, follow-up calls for membership drives and application rounds, maintenance of project partner sites and more!
Registered volunteers receive advance notice of all EMHR-sponsored activities such like Susquehanna River sojourns, special presentations and Heritage Region workshops on topics such as grant writing and project development.
Volunteer contributions can be recorded and documented to help volunteers fulfill credits toward educational endeavors and civic duties, and for use on resumes and job applications.
Within a short time, many volunteers find themselves wanting to be more involved in the EMHR after gaining a better perspective of the contributions
The EMHR welcomes any and all support from community members that will help us fulfill our mission to make the region a better place to live and visit.
For more information on how to get involved, please contact us.

"The significance of the region lies not in a few individual landmarks of national merit, but in hundreds of local resources knit together into a single, richly textured regional blanket."